01.NET API for SOWaaS
SOWaaS supports recruitment businesses in Statement of Work services. In cooperation with Apptimise Ltd, we helped them to craft a first-class platform for their SaaS product. Our programmers developed bullet-proof back-end C# .NET API which now powers the front-end SPA React app.
02Client Requirements
The client already had a proven process of providing Statements of Work services. The only need was a software tool to provide automation for the entire process. Among many requirements, the most important was platform reliability and future extensibility. The quality of the platform should emphasize the quality of client services.
To ensure high reliability and scalability of the system, the Web API was designed as .NET Core platform with Microsoft Azure in mind. This approach guarantees trouble-free maintenance of the platform, it provides the ability to match used hardware resources to the current needs, and above all, works naturally and seamlessly with the entire .NET environment.
.NET Core
Entity Framework Core
Identity Server
03Multi-Tenant SaaS Architecture
A platform operating in the SaaS model needs a way to guarantee the security of individual customer data. A simple model of an application connected to a single database is not enough to ensure safe scaling. Therefore, the entire software architecture is built on the Multi-Tenant concept, which solves the problem by dividing the application into one common module and many isolated client modules. We minimized the cost and risk at the same time.
04Dedicated C# Code Scaffolding Tool
The entire process of delivering SOW Services is continually improved. Our software must be ready to implement changes in the process fast. For this purpose, we prepared a C# code scaffolding tool for SOW process models. Automation minimizes errors caused by the human factor, ensures repeatability, and maintains the high quality of the code responsible for the operation of the platform.
05Real Time Signaling
The module for signaling changes, PUSH messages, and internal chat built into the platform needed a proven solution ensuring asynchronous real-time communication. The use of SignalR came to the rescue. SignalR, unlike standard web solutions, connects directly via WebSocket. Used technology stack is appreciated wherever every millisecond of communication delay counts.
06Load Balancing, Distributed Deployment, Platform powered by Azure
Microsoft Azure servers offer many possibilities, and our platform uses them to assure dynamic scaling and reliability. We have used multiple Azure-based solutions as part of our Web API, such as Load Balancing and SQL Elastic Pools for increased throughput and reliability. Blob Storage for efficient and safe way of storing large quantities of data. We also follow DevOps trends by including dockerised deployment and Continous Integration.
07Permission Management
The SaaS platform, available to thousands of different clients, consultants, and system administrators, requires the appropriate organization of access to various application functions. Our Web API uses and extends Identity Server, integrates Azure Active Directory and Google Suite cloud services. Besides, we have implemented support for authentication and authorization via JWT Tokens. We combine standard authorization management mechanisms with extensions dedicated to the SOWaaS application.

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